  • Resin tasa launin toka lay

    Resin tasa launin toka lay

    Sunan Samfurin Resin Borny Grey Lines Limpication Layanni 10 * 2.5cm kayan aiki resin moded da albarkatun kasa don hana nutsar da ci gaban muhalli, da ba mai guba da rashin guba da m. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Gudi Plating tare da Abinci Abinci D

    Gudi Plating tare da Abinci Abinci D

    Product Name Resin platform with food bowl D Specification Color 10*13*3.5cm Material Resin Model NS-138 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Used as basking platform/food bowl for terrarium and aquarium Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Resin babban kwano

    Resin babban kwano

    Product Name Resin deep bowl Specification Color 6*4cm Material Resin Model NS-84 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Resin ƙaramin kwandon shara

    Resin ƙaramin kwandon shara

    Product Name Resin small corner bowl Specification Color 8.2*8*2.5cm Material Resin Model NS-83 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Resin kwano da ɓoye

    Resin kwano da ɓoye

    Samfuran Samfuron resin da launi mai launi 10 * 9 * 3cm kayan aikin ci gaba da tsaftacewa da albarkatun halitta, bayan yanayin kare yanayin resiness, kusa da yanayin rashin daidaituwa da mara guba. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Resin bleot tasa l

    Resin bleot tasa l

    Product Name Resin yellow food bowl L Specification Color 22*24*3.3cm Material Resin Model NS-71 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Muryoyin resin kwandon tare da ramp l

    Muryoyin resin kwandon tare da ramp l

    Sunan Samfurin Square gudawa tare da allon Like na Launin Lissafi 20 * 25 * 6cm kayan aikin da ba shi da sauƙin ci na resan ƙasa, kusa da yanayin yanayin rayuwa yana ci gaba da tsaftacewa da albarkatun kasa, bayan da ba shi da guba da rashin lafiya. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Resin gudu ruwa

    Resin gudu ruwa

    Samfurin samfurin yana guduro Ruwan kwano na ruwa mai launi 15 * 10cm kayan aikin resin samfurin NS-67 fasalin da aka tsara don masu rarrafe na NS-67, mai sauƙin tsaftacewa, marasa guba da marasa lalacewa. Sauki don tsaftacewa da disinfect da aka saba da rayuwa na rayuwa, kusa da yanayin kariya na muhalli resin da albarkatun ƙasa, bayan babban yanayin zazzabi, ba mai guba da m. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Resin cibiyar abinci abinci

    Resin cibiyar abinci abinci

    Product Name Resin corner food bowl Specification Color 7.5*8.5*3cm Material Resin Model NS-66 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Imitate tree stump design makes the reptile get closer to nature. Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Gudun kwano ruwan shafa mai

    Gudun kwano ruwan shafa mai

    Product Name Resin bowl pink lines S Specification Color 9*7*2.5cm Material Resin Model NS-65 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Square resin kwano ruwan hoda Lines xs

    Square resin kwano ruwan hoda Lines xs

    Product Name Square resin bowl pink lines XS Specification Color 5*4*3cm Material Resin Model NS-64 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Introduction Environmental protection resin as raw material, after high temperature disinfection treatment, non-toxic and tasteless. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
  • Zagaye resin kwano launin toka lay lay l

    Zagaye resin kwano launin toka lay lay l

    Product Name Round resin bowl grey lines L Specification Color 9.5*6cm Material Resin Model NS-63 Feature Unbreakable Easy to clean and disinfect Simulated natural living, close to nature Designed for reptiles, amphibians, easy to clean, non-toxic and harmless. Gabatarwa Resin resin resin resin albarkatun kasa a matsayin albarkatun kasa, bayan babban yanayin zafin jiki na rashin lafiya, mara guba da m. Fitaw, maciji, ya ƙone kwazo, Bulflrogs, Skinks Scinks, Lizards
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