  • Fitilar dare

    Fitilar dare

    Product Name Night lamp Specification Color 8*11cm Black Material Black Galaxy Model ND-07 Feature 25W, 40W, 50W, 60W, 75W, 100W optionals, to meet different temperature requirements. Aluminum Dì Rijiyar Lantarki, Dogarwa. Kwanan fitila an yi shi ne da galaxy baki, wanda ya fi kyau da aminci. Sauya tare da hasken rana don kiyaye dumi dumi cikin hunturu. Gabatarwa dare mai tsinkaye yana kwaikwayon hasken rana na halitta kuma yana haifar da cikakkiyar yanayin dare. Ba o ...
  • Hamogen dare fitila

    Hamogen dare fitila

    Product Name Halogen night lamp Specification Color 6*9.6cm Black Material Black Galaxy Model ND-08 Feature 25W, 50W, 75W and 100W optionals, to meet different temperature requirements. Aluminum Dì Rijiyar Lantarki, Dogarwa. Ya fi tsayi sabis na rayuwa fiye da katako na Tobsten, ƙaramin iko, zafi kadan. Alternate with day lights to keep reptile warm through the winter. Introduction The night heating lamp simulates the natural moonlight and creates a perfect night scene. Ba o ...
  • < Product Name UVA day light (neodymium) Specification Color 6.5*10.5cm White Material GLASS Model ND-25 Feature 35W and 70W optionals, more energy efficient heating. 110V and 220V in stock, suits for most countries. Aluminum Dì Rijiyar Lantarki, Dogarwa. Sauya tare da hasken dare don kiyaye dumi dumi cikin hunturu. Introduction The heating lamp simulates the daylight of nature during the day, providing reptiles with UVA ultraviolet light needed daily, helpi...
  • Product Name Infrared heating lamp Specification Color 7*10cm Red Material Glass Model ND-21 Feature 25W, 50W, 75W, 100W optionals, to meet different temperature requirements. Majiyar mai zafi tana da tsari na musamman na mai yin tunani, zai iya maida hankali da zafin a kowane wuri. Gabatar da fitila na iya samar da zafi don taimakawa pet narke da haɓaka mahimmanci. The red glass transmit the infrared wave generated by the special filament which can increase infrared heat wh...
  • Brosed UVA fitilar

    Brosed UVA fitilar

    Product Name Frosted UVA lamp Specification Color 8*11cm White Material GLASS Model ND-05 Feature 25W, 40W, 50W, 60W, 75W, 100W optionals, to meet different temperature requirements. Aluminum Dì Rijiyar Lantarki, Dogarwa. The bulb inside the frosted treatment, do not hurt the reptile's eyes. Sauya tare da hasken dare don kiyaye dumi dumi cikin hunturu. Gabatar da fitilar dumama ta kwaikwayon hasken rana a rana, yana ba da ...
  • Product Name Solar lamp Specification Color 80w 14*9.5cm 100w 15.5*11.5cm Silver Material Quartz Glass Model ND-20 Feature 80W and 120W high power UVB lamp, high heat. Babban abun ciki na U UV, inganta shan kashi. Ya dace da kowane irin halittu masu rarrafe da kunkuru. Gabatarwa Wannan fitilar UV ya ƙunshi UV fiye da wasu, kuma ikon yana da girma. Fitar da 1-2 a rana, yana ba da gudummawa ga tsarin haɗin Bitamin D3 da kuma hadewar alli, inganta ƙoshin ...
  • Product Name Carbon fiber heating lamp Specification Color 11.5*9.5cm Silver Material Carbon fiber Model ND-22 Feature 20W, 30W, 40W, 50W, 60W, 80W, 100W optionals, to meet different temperature requirements. Fast heating Power saving Health and Environmental Protection Introduction This heating lamp is made of carbon fiber 7 wattages of lamp can be selected -Increase appetite, help food digestion, and promote balanced growth of nutrients. -An da cikakken-SP ...
  • UVA Rana

    UVA Rana

    Sunan samfurin Uva Rana Haske Light Light 6.5 * 10cm Azurfa Gilashin Gilashi ND-06 Fasali na 40w da kuma zaɓi na 6W da ƙarin makamashi, ƙarin kuzari mafi ƙarancin dumama. Aluminum Dì Rijiyar Lantarki, Dogarwa. Sauya tare da hasken dare don kiyaye dumi dumi cikin hunturu. Gabatar da fitilar dumama ta kwaikwayon hasken rana a rana, yana ba da dabbobi masu rarrafe tare da hasken rana, taimaka don inganta abinci, da w ...
  • Kamashi mai tsabta fitin

    Kamashi mai tsabta fitin

    Danshi samfurin mai tsabta Laifi na Launi mai launi na 2 * 9.5cm fararen kaya PC Model ND-15 Fadar Mashin PMma Mask Double anion generator to purify the air. Imported 2835 chip, LED panel, low power, no flash. Spherical heat dissipation system, using the principle of air convection, heat dissipation fast. Introduction Negative ion generator produces a large number of negative ions, drifting in the air, s...